Listing of the position and windspeed of hurricanes from 1970 through 2011.

Data is taken from the National Hurricane Center, a division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association. A description of the data as well as data for storms in other regions may be found here: IBTrACS.

The fields "SerialNumber", "Basin", "SubBasin", "Nature", "Pressure", "Center", "WindPercentile", "PressurePercentile" and "TrackType" have been removed.

  • Year: Integer from 1971 through 2011

  • Number: Integer used to designate the hurricanes in a particular year

  • Name: The name of the hurricane

  • ISO_Time: The time the observation was made

  • Latitude: Latitude where the observation was made

  • Longitutde: Longitude where the observation was made

  • Wind: windspeed measured knots (kt)

  • Pressure: atmospheric pressue measured in millibars (mb)



An object of class spec_tbl_df (inherits from tbl_df, tbl, data.frame) with 43122 rows and 8 columns.